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Your benefits at
a glance

  • Precision measuring system as compact unit to check temperature sensors on the transformer or at the laboratory
  • Transportation to on-site tests in light-weight, secure service and transport case.
  • Easy to operate thanks to well-organized user interface
  • Programmable temperature profile
  • Device-under-test checked in integrated liquid bath

Product description

Precise temperature measurement and monitoring is an absolute necessity when it comes to the operational safety of transformers and industrial systems. Regular thermometer checks are indispensable for economical and technical-safety reasons and, for many customers, these checks are already even a mandatory requirement. Messko offers a new calibration bath for simple thermometer checks.

The new Messko calibration bath is designed as a portable unit for service purposes. The compact instrument is easy to transport, simple to operate and offers all the features required for thermometer testing on-site or at the lab. Customer applications on transformers in the field have already confirmed the usefulness of the new Messko calibration bath.

The calibration bath from Messko consists of a robust steel housing. The back part of the housing contains the heat-insulated liquid bath with the heating or cooling elements and the temperature sensor which determines the reference temperature. The complete regulating unit is housed in the front part of the in the front part of the housing. The regulator is installed on the front plate which is equipped with a 7-segment LED (2-row, 2-position) for reference and desired temperatures. In addition, you can adjust the agitating speed with a wheel. The 5-pin built-in socket is used for service purposes but can also be optionally connected to a laptop on which a current test protocol can then be prepared on site.
The new Messko calibration bath includes a sturdy service and transportation case and is available starting immediately.

If you need further information like a short manual or the extensive operating instructions, please contact f.nittner@messko.com