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Standard Cable boxes

Standard cable boxes can be offered in a range of insulating mediums including oil / compound, air partially insulated and air fully insulated (shrouded).

BTRAC has recently developed a new standard range of cable boxes with enhanced features to ensure complete cabling and insulation compatibility, working with world leading companies such as 3M and Cembre we can guarantee our products will meet all modern and international standards.

Utilising the latest international standards as the starting point for the design of the cable boxes we have consulted with the transformer manufacturers and the end users to incorporate a range of features that go beyond the international standards requirements and offers a product that is truly designed to meet the customers requirements.

The complete new range has been modelled in a solid modelling system and the models are available for the customers to install on their systems (typically in an STP file format).

Additional features incorporated in the new range of cable boxes are CT accommodation, multiple earthing points, phase marking bosses (internal and external), lifting facilities and standard bushing to gland plate heights.

It is important for the transformer designer to use cable boxes as they have been specifically designed for use with the BTRAC range of cable box bushings, this ensures that their electrical characteristics (specifically creepage distances) are based on their working conditions. If outdoor bushings are used within a cable box it will result in a physically excessive termination arrangement.

Typical 12kV Cable Box